Rift Valley Fever

Rift Valley Fever is an animal disease that can affect livestock and cause abortion in pregnant animals and death in newborn animals. A small number of people can also be infected with the Rift Valley Fever. They can experience mild disease or severe disease. Blindness, memory loss, convulsions, coma, bleeding and even death can be caused by severe forms of the disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and I have worked on 3 flyers which will be handed out to raise awareness in Africa and the Middle East. To inform properly the audience, the WHO and I produced flyers targeting the clinicians, the responders, the farmers and livestock handlers.

I designed the 3 flyers with a different colour themes for each flyer, to differentiate one from another:

• Blue for the clinicians flyer

• Green for the responders flyer

• Orange for the farmers and livestock handlers flyer

To engage the reader and to show the content is up to date, the flyers have a modern design with a structured content layout and the use of minimalistic imagery. I removed the sky from the pictures, to allow the content to breathe and look lighter.

Rift Valley Fever
Rift Valley Fever

Rift Valley Fever is an animal disease that can affect livestock and cause abortion in pregnant animals and death in newborn animals. A small number of people can also be infected with the Rift Valley Fever. They can experience mild disease or severe disease. Blindness, memory loss, convulsions, coma, bleeding and even death can be caused by severe forms of the disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and I have worked on 3 flyers which will be handed out to raise awareness in Africa and the Middle East. To inform properly the audience, the WHO and I produced flyers targeting the clinicians, the responders, the farmers and livestock handlers.

I designed the 3 flyers with a different colour themes for each flyer, to differentiate one from another:

• Blue for the clinicians flyer

• Green for the responders flyer

• Orange for the farmers and livestock handlers flyer

To engage the reader and to show the content is up to date, the flyers have a modern design with a structured content layout and the use of minimalistic imagery. I removed the sky from the pictures, to allow the content to breathe and look lighter.

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